I've known baby J's mom since high school which is another way of saying "a long time". When she found out she was pregnant with J, I warned her I was going to be like the paparazzi around that baby! Before she gave birth though, she and her husband moved out of state. It broke my heart that I wouldn't be around to see her grow up on a daily basis. I'd still see them, just not as often as I'd like.
They made trip back to Montana right before J's first birthday! I had already purchased her gift: a pink tutu with a ruffled diaper cover and a ruffled shirt to match because lets face it, a girl can never have enough pink (or ruffles) in her wardrobe! When they stopped by my home to visit, I couldn't wait for Mandy (aka Mom) to see it! We put it on her and she looked adorable so of course, I grabbed my camera! But like most babies, J liked to be without clothing. So we ended up removing the shirt but J was fine with the tutu! I grabbed the pearls from my stash of props and the feathered headband and BAM! The opportunity for a photo shoot presented itself! I love when that happens...isn't she beautiful!