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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cody | High School Senior Portraits | Helena, MT Portrait Photographer

I've known Cody and his family for a few years now. It is hard to believe that he's a senior at Capital High School this year.  He has grown to become a very respectful young man. His love for his family shines through anytime you are around him. Like most teenagers, he loves hanging with his friends, music, cars and football. Here's a few shots from his session.



Monday, August 11, 2014

Supermoon | Helena, MT | Crystal Nance Photography

You've probably heard about it in the news recently but what is a "Supermoon"?
A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach it makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit. This results in a full moon that can appear up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than it appears on a typical night. The name supermoon was coined by an astrologer, Richard Nolle, over 30 years ago. It was popularized and came to be the accepted term for most people only in the past few years.
By Nolle’s definition, the new moon or full moon has to come within 224,851 miles of our planet, as measured from the centers of the moon and Earth, in order to be considered a supermoon.
By that definition, the year 2014 has a total of five supermoons. The first supermoon, for 2014, came on New Year’s Day, with the January 1 new moon. The second came with the new moon of January 30, 2014. Next was July 12, 2014 and then last nights (August 10th).
The next supermoon will be on September 9th.
Phew! I just felt like I was back in my old Astronomy class! Now you might wonder how I learned all that...well, I "googled" it. 
Really that info came from:
Somewhere where they are a lot smarter than me on that subject. I just enjoyed photographing the Supermoon!
Here are a couple photos I took when just my kit zoom lens. 

Crystal Nance Photography | Helena Portrait Photographer | Helena, MT

Friday, July 25, 2014

Andrea | High School Senior Portraits | Helena, MT Photographer

I really enjoyed my time with the beautiful Miss Andrea. Check out those heels she is wearing. We joked about how I would definitely hurt myself walking in those! Two inches is about the max height I can wear and still be somewhat graceful. But not, Andrea strutted her stuff and never missed a beat!

She was a natural in front of the camera. I asked Andrea if she had any advice to offer other seniors who were getting ready to have their senior portraits done. This is what she had to say: 
"Just relax and have fun with it! Be yourself and don't do anything crazy drastic with your hair right before."
Andrea was gracious enough to allow me to use her photo on the cover of my new Senior Client Guide! 


After high school Andrea is planning to attend Rocky Mountain College to study Sports Medicine.  
I wish you all the best Andrea, and know that you will have much success in your future!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kaitlin | High School Senior Portraits | Helena, Montana

Kaitlin, Kaitlin, Kaitlin...what can I say?

Kaitlin is one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever had the privilege of photographing and we had so much fun together.  Kaitlin is 16 years old, home-schooled and will actually start college in January! Though she is not a traditional high school senior student, her mom didn’t want her to miss out on this important milestone of getting senior portraits done! I’m sure glad she felt that way!

When I asked Kaitlin about her favorite past time, her reply was laughing. And what a great sense of humor this girl has! She had her mom, sister and I all laughing so hard, our sides hurt by the end of it! I love when people are comfortable enough to be themselves and act goofy. I'd ask for a serious "Blue Steel" look (for those that don't know, that is a movie reference from Zoolander) and she'd say how about a "Pink Aluminum" instead! She could never hold that look for very long though. I don’t think her face knows how to not smile! 

Congrats Kaitlin! I wish you all the best in your upcoming journey!!