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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kaitlin | High School Senior Portraits | Helena, Montana

Kaitlin, Kaitlin, Kaitlin...what can I say?

Kaitlin is one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever had the privilege of photographing and we had so much fun together.  Kaitlin is 16 years old, home-schooled and will actually start college in January! Though she is not a traditional high school senior student, her mom didn’t want her to miss out on this important milestone of getting senior portraits done! I’m sure glad she felt that way!

When I asked Kaitlin about her favorite past time, her reply was laughing. And what a great sense of humor this girl has! She had her mom, sister and I all laughing so hard, our sides hurt by the end of it! I love when people are comfortable enough to be themselves and act goofy. I'd ask for a serious "Blue Steel" look (for those that don't know, that is a movie reference from Zoolander) and she'd say how about a "Pink Aluminum" instead! She could never hold that look for very long though. I don’t think her face knows how to not smile! 

Congrats Kaitlin! I wish you all the best in your upcoming journey!!

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